You are under private investigation for attempted hacking

On Feb 26th, as a result of multiple attacks we installed undetectable tracking code onto this page which was installed on your device on 2/26/21

You gave consent to this installation by accessing this page and attempting to log in – see the notice at the very bottom of this page – That notice was added to the bottom of the log in page on 2/26/21 at 6:36am (USA Eastern Daylight Time) and it applies to all of your log in attempts

We have been recording your camera and microphone since 2/26/21

We have downloaded your contacts, recent calls, recent texts, recent emails and recent voicemail messages

This was done in accordance with approved international law to mitigate electronic intrusion of our systems

You have a right to receive a copy of your data

To request your data send an email to and include Case


By accessing this page and attempting to log in I hereby grant permission for this website to upload undetectable cloning software to my device.  I understand that this allows the website owner and designated agents  full access to my devices including but not limited to camera activation, microphone activation, text messages, call history, voicemail messages, email messages, browsing history and the like. By entering a username and password and clicking the blue “Log In” button I hereby consent to the transfer of this data from my device and that of any device used by anyone I have communicated with.